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Friday, March 17, 2006

Ninja Training of the day: lesson 2

Being ninja requires us to throw ninja stars (shiruken) directly at our targets. That's why training on throwing them is a must. We sure don't want to hurt ourselves throwing them in battles.

Today, train yourselves to throw the ninja stars that you made from mission 2 or mission 2+ at a target. You can stuff your jacket with a pillow to look like an enemy as your target.

Train hard to help you level up.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ninja Training of the day

Many of you must have heard that Ninja train their jumping abilities by jumping over bamboo, as the bamboo grows taller, they still try to jump over it. This is a hard training since bamboo grows really fast. As Ninja, we need to do the same training. Therefore, our training for today is to jump over a short bamboo 10 times.

What? can't find any bamboo around you. Jump over your shoes then.